Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Confucianism And Its Positive And Negative Sides - 986 Words

There are 3 notable figures in Confucianism Kongzi, Mengzi and Xunzi. Kongzi better known as Confucius is the founder of Confucianism. Confucianism also known as Ruism is a way of life taught by Confucius in the 6th-5th century BCE (it has existed for more than 2 millenia and followed by the Chinese). Confucianism is seen as an all-encompassing humanism that neither denies nor slights heaven. In this essay, I would like to state my view that Confucianism has its positive and negative sides. In this paper I will explain about Confucianism the main themes and concepts, I will then continue on to explain Kongzi, Mengzi and Xunzi their beliefs and their ways of moral self-cultivation. For the conclusion, I will explain my position on whether I agree or disagree with the central feature of Confucianism. Confucianism is made up of 5 main concepts dao (â€Å"The Way†), ren (â€Å"Humaneness†), li (â€Å"Ritual Propriety†), xiao (â€Å"Filial Piety†), junzi (â€Å"Gentleman†). These are all important concepts in Confucianism. There are 5 main themes in Confucianism: 1. Achieving Happiness in the everyday world – Kongzi believes that as a human our primary ethical obligation is to find happiness for ourselves and others in the world. 2. Revivalistic Tradition - 3. The Family and Differentiated Caring – Confucians believe that family is very significant in 2 ways. The first one is that as a part of a family one initially learns how to be a good person, what this means is that by loving and being lovedShow MoreRelatedConfucianism And Its Positive And Negative Sides1908 Words   |  8 Pagesview that Confucianism has its positive and negative sides. In this paper I will explain about Confucianism their main concepts and themes, I will then continue to explain Kongzi, Mengzi, and Xunzi their beliefs and their ways of moral self-cultivation. I would also like to contrast Mengzi and Xunzi’s view on human nature. 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